Hoping to bring injuries to the surface, Four Rivers Co-op presented the Northern Brain Injury Association with a cheque for $1,733.

“Fuel Good Day is a fairly new event. We’ve been doing it for the last three years. We started it in Prince George last year when our Gas Bar opened. This year, we decided to partner with the Northern brain Injury Association. What we do is on this one day (in September) is we donated 10 cents from every litre of fuel sold to this group. We incorporated a dollar from every coffee and Big Cool.” Challen believes the Fuel Good Day allowed the association to get out there and raise awareness when it comes to the stigma associated with brain injuries. “I think people are understanding that my concussion is a brain injury, my stroke is a brain injury. They come to us looking for guidance and ways to better manage their brain injury, so I think that’s why we’re getting more clients.”

Canadian Royal Purple BC, presenting a cheque for $3100.00. Funds were raised via the “walk around the block for brain injury” 2019 campaign to NBIA Board President Mr. Doug Jones.

Mayor Dale Bumstead talks Brain Injury Awareness month in Dawson Creek with Angie Dokken of the Northern Brain Injury Association.

NBIA Case Manager & Facilitator Tekah Sabal with the
Minister of Mental Health & Addictions Judy Darcy in Terrace.

(L to R) An unnamed individual joins NBIA Case Manager/Facilitator Lisa Doucette, United Way Northern BC’s Executive Director Roberta Squire and NBIA Community Coordinator Ryan Challen, in Vanderhoof to support and celebrate the United Way’s northern tour. Thank you United Way Northern BC for helping to make a way when there is no way!

NBIA’s Tekah Sabal (left) presenting our awesome 2018 Happy Helmet Contest adult prize winner, Penny Thompson (right), with her $100 cash prize.

Kierra, our amazingly creative 2nd place Happy Helmet Contest winner from Kitimat, proudly presenting her new helmet and a crisp $100 bill:-)